
Friday 30 November 2012

Christmas trees in Orchard Road 2012

Shared some nice Christmas trees of shopping malls in Orchard Road.. Ho ho ho ho ho...

 Plaza Singapura


 Walkway along CK Tangs

 CK Tangs

 Scotts Plaza


 Mandarin Orchard

 Orchard Road Lights Up...

 Centerpoint walkway...

 Centrepoint, drummer boys..

 Orchard Road Lights up 2012

Wednesday 28 November 2012

More Xmas light up.

Here are some of the 313 Somerset's Xmas decoration pics.. Enjoy..
There are complaint about rats at 313 Somerset, but i dun see any...

Monday 26 November 2012

SMRT Driver refuse to work?? or its a strike??

Yesterday 100 SMRT drivers from China "Refuse to Work"? Or is it a "Strike"?

see link below:

What is the meaning of "Strike"? OK let me check the dictionary.. 

Definition of strike:  [no object] (of employees) refuse to work as a form of organized protest, typically in an attempt to obtain a particular concession or concessions from their employer: workers may strike over threatened job losses..

So "refuse to work" is = to a strike...  Let faced it...

Yes we do need foreign workers to fill this sector gap, how many Singaporean willing to be Bus Captain? (raise up your hands)..But by bring in foreign workers,, we faced another set of problems. Foreign workers does bring along their work culture and employee right from their own country of origin.. We can't blame them but we also can;t afford to let them to create social problem to our country.. 

These foreign workers compare their salary to their Malaysian colleague.. but have they consider their paper qualification, English language proficiency, more hard working then their Malaysian colleague? Do they know that high pay comes with more responsibility? Only they themselves know the answer.. I am sure SMRT have a better reason to give a better salary to the Malaysian... 

Sunday 25 November 2012

Morning Rush Hour..

Monday.. back to work.. This morning, in the crowded MRT train.. I heard a little girl crying to her mom, "I want to have a seat..."  My heart when soft like jelly when i hear that.. I would love to give up my seat to this little girl but can't see or spot this little girl.. :(   sad sad..
Kids now does not have a good and happy childhood.. They have to wake up so early even during school holiday to attend childcare, because both parents are working.. A few times i witness kids feeling restless or still falling asleep in the morning rush hour train.. 

Wednesday 21 November 2012

X Mas Light up

The Christmas season is here again and from last Saturday, the whole stretch of Orchard Road has been light up and shopping mall dressing up with beautiful decorations. I love the feel of Christmas decorations, its homely and warm..

Sharing with everyone is the impressive decoration of Orchard Central. The ground floor of the mall is like a little village with stalls selling Christmas decoration..

Monday 19 November 2012

Role Model MRT Stations

This Morning i was taking the circle line to Bishan. While boarding at the Serangoon station, i saw commuter queuing up in two rows on the side of the door, when the train door open, they let passenger alight before boarding. This good practice of the commuters make boarding and alighting a breeze. When i arrived at Bishan, the commuters did the same practice..

Why can't other station's commuters do the same? Applause to the commuters at Bishan MRT Station and Serangoon MRT Station. And yes, Applause to the staffs of these respective stations too..

Nah a pic from STOMP to prove.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Remember the Ferrari Accident?

Recently i have observed that some Singaporeans start to cross the road before the green man appear. Seems like most Singaporeans have forgot about the Ferrari beating the traffic light accident that kill the Taxi driver and its passenger.

It is always good to take a two seconds pulse when the green man appear, before crossing, cos you will never know when a car is beating the traffic light and that 2 seconds can really save your live. You can be in a rush but that 2 seconds does not make much different in your appointment but it can also changes your life.. This massage also goes to not only the pedestrians but the drivers out there...

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Encountering a ghost in my dream

On Monday night i had an encounter with a ghost in my dream..
Here is my dream: I was having a holiday with my family (dunno which destination, hahaha), when checking into the hotel, we were given room on the same floor except for one room which is located on a different floor. Well my room is on the same floor with the rest of the family. We went up to the room and rest before gathering at the lobby for the tour.

I decide to go down to the lobby earlier so i left the room alone, after closing the door, i saw a human figure wearing a hood covering its face in the other far end of the corridor after the lift lobby. I didn't think much cos it might be another hotel guest. As i was walking towards the lift lobby, that figure also start moving towards the lift lobby. Nearer to the lift lobby, that figure came close towards me (i didn't see the face cos its covered by the hoot, and i dun want to see also) and walk through me, i feel a chill down my spine.. and for that few minutes i was standing freezing with fear..

 That figuring looks something like this from far but was wearing a hood.

Then i quickly went down to the lobby and later told my family about this..

OK then i WOKE UP.. End of the short short encounter with a ghost in my dream..Many people told me that a dream sometimes represent something like a message or wat.. But that feeling of a ghost walk through me is really... i dunno how to explain it.... Errie i suppose...